In Memory of Whitey, The Radiated Tortoise

Whitey had a white forehead, unlike most Radiatas so we named her Whitey. I got her when I was still a student taking my undergrad degree in 2002. We had a lot of challenges together but we made it through. She was already 13 inches and ready to breed soon. She was a good pet and was used to having people around. Everytime I walked to her enclosure, she would approach me and make eye-contact. She loved to be petted and scratched on the head. She was a good pet tortoise. When she died, I thought my hopes of breeding this species died with her. But with the help and encouragement of family and friends, our passion to breed this wonderful species only grew stronger. Right now, I know that she is looking down on us from pet heaven and is proud of what we've accomplished.

Tragedy Struck

April 2009. A very sad and tragic day. She was found dead with her head stretched out, arms anonymousd legs laying flat on the ground with blood and scratch marks. Our vet confirmed that the scratches and bite marks belonged to a cat. Her enclosure is predator proof but it's possible it was left open by our staff by accident.

Wherever you are, I know you're happier and I'm pretty sure you'll be keeping an eye on the other tortoises at home like a tortoise guardian angel.

Whitey will surely be missed. She was a friendly tortoise and when approached, she always made eye contact. Everytime I talk about this hobby, I always mentioned her - about how big she was, about my plans to breed her, and how she could make me the first (or one of the first) Radiated tortoise breeders here in the Philippines. She was simply my starlet and she brought me much pride in this hobby!

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radiated tortoise philippines

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In Memory of our Female Radiated Tortoise, Whitey

Through the Years

Whitey had a white forehead unlike most Radiatas. Thus the name, Whitey. I got her when I was still a student taking my undergrad degree. We had a lot of challenges together but we made it through. She was already 13 inches and was ready to breed soon. She was a good pet and was used to having people around. Everytime I walked to her enclosure, she would approach me and make eye-contact. She loved to be petted and scratched on the head. When she died, I thought my hopes of breeding this species died with her. But with the help and encouragement of family and friends, our passion to breed this wonderful species only grew stronger. Right now, I know that she is looking down on us from pet heaven and is proud of what we've accomplished.

Whitey playing around with a hat inside the house.

radiated tortoise philippines

Compared to most Radiated tortoises, Whitey had considerably less amount of black spots on top of her light colored head. Thus, she was named Whitey.

radiated tortoise philippines

baby radiated tortoise

Whitey and a baby Radiated tortoise taken in 2002. Like most tortoises, both of them love Gumamela (Hibiscus) flowers.

radiated tortoise philippines

radiated tortoises hibiscus

radiated tortoises hibiscus

radiated tortoises hibiscus

radiated tortoise philippines

radiated tortoise philippines

radiated tortoise philippines

radiated tortoise philippines

radiated tortoise philippines

radiated tortoise philippines

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On this page:
Tragedy StruckFeb 3, 2010
In Memory of our Female Radiated Tortoise, WhiteyFeb 2, 2010

About Us

Soda's Tortoise Garden is a private tortoise breeding facility that is accredited by DENR and BAI (Bureau of Animal Industry) located in Metro Manila, Philippines. We don't have a physical shop but you may coordinate with us via our Facebook page. Be sure to follow our page for our latest posts and stories. Learn More

Our first TV appearance at "Rise & Shine Pilipinas" by PTV 4.

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